Whether it's Christmas shopping at Bellis Fair Mall in Bellingham, or just getting groceries from Haggen on the Guide, I like to take a break from it all at this time of year to go to my happy place in Cornwall Park. During the winter, it is a peaceful place to get a breath of fresh air. During the other seasons it is a lively place with many activities. Check out the Cornwall Park Brochure (PDF) for an overview of the history and points of interest.
I'm drawn to the water. The small falls that run under the bridge are refreshing just to listen to anytime of year. While walking through in the colder months, we look into the frigid water, hoping that summer will bring warm weather so we can play in the pools that form below the bridge over Squalicum Creek. Bridges naturally tend to cause us pause as we look below and reflect on it all.

The bridge over the creek brings us into the woods, where we can pick from a number of looping trails. If you head for the dashed lines on the map below, you'll get a little elevation gain and a break from the crowds. It's also a great place to teach kids some of the basic mountain biking skills.

There are 2 playgrounds in Cornwall Park to choose from, we like to park near the
Parks & Recreation Main Office. The staff are very friendly and offer maps and other resources to get out and enjoy all that the city has to offer. Here’s a complete list of places in the
City of Bellingham Parks Guide. The north playground can accommodate quite a few kids and there are plenty of benches for the parents to hang out on to watch the scene.

One popular year-round attraction is the Disc Golf Course that winds through the park. Download the map, get some discs and take a tour through the forest following the tees and metal and chain stanchions that are the "holes". Download the
Disc Golf Course (PDF) and you'll be on your way.
Like many of the parks around town, there are many unique aspects to
Cornwall Park and it's up to you to decide how you want to experience it. With a list like this it's hard to go wrong, the park's amenities include:
- Barbecue Grills
- Disc Golf Course (PDF)
- Horseshoe Pits
- Magnolia Collection
- Multipurpose Fields
- Outdoor Basketball Court
- Parking
- Pickleball Courts
- Picnic Shelters
- Picnic Tables
- Playgrounds
- Restrooms
- Rose Garden
- Spray Park - Open June 18, 2013, through Labor Day, 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. daily.
Spray park utilizes fresh, potable water. It is not recycled.
- Tennis Courts
- Trails (PDF)
Cornwall Park is located at 3424 Meridian Street in the Cornwall Park Neighborhood.
- Map
- There are three entrances to Cornwall Park; two on Meridian Street and one at the north end of Cornwall Avenue. Use the entrance on Meridian at the light at Squalicum Parkway to access the North Picnic Shelter, playground, and spray park. Use the entrance on Meridian just south of the light at Squalicum Parkway to access the tennis courts, ballfields, and disc golf course. Use the entrance at the north end of Cornwall Avenue to access the South Picnic Shelter, playground and horseshoe pits.
Activities in 2014
- Jan 11 - Chiller Cross
- Apr 12 - National MS Walk