For Sept. 6 Art Walk in Downtown Bellingham, Make.Shift Gallery has teamed up with Ketchup + Mustard to host “This Little Piggy…” Ketchup + Mustard is a team of branding, graphic design, and marketing pros who appreciate, encourage, and support art & artists throughout Bellingham.
Ketchup + Mustard provided Make.Shift with 40 ceramic piggy banks. We then invited local artists to bring new life to the classic Mother Goose poem about those crazy pigs who went to market and ate roast beef.
Art Walk goers will be encouraged to donate money to their favorite pigs. Donations will go towards long overdue upgrades to the Make.Shift space, including a new front door ramp. The pig with the most donations will win a special “Best in Show” prize. The lovely designers at Ketchup + Mustard will be dressing up a big ol’ pig to house large donations.
The opening will be on Art Walk Friday, September 6 from 6-10 p.m. For more information about the Art Walk or Make.Shift please visit our website at or contact Gallery Director, Jessyca Murphy, at
Make.Shift Art Space is a DIY art and music venue dedicated to innovative alternative art and music. The 8,000-square-foot space includes an art gallery, live all-ages music venue and 18 individual art and music studios. Here we provide a home for painters, printmakers, photographers, sculptors, musicians, and whoever else needs an affordable place to make a mess and show it off.